
Every day, Heroes are allocated a fixed amount of quests. The starting quest amount is currently 15. This means a Hero can take 15 quest-related actions before having to wait until the next day to continue the adventure.

A quest is consumed when the Hero activates the following tiles:

  • Adventuring Quest: This is the most essential tile in each zone. It is the tile with the most monsters on it, whereas the Daily and Boss tile only have one monster each. The adventuring tile is where a Hero will spend most of their time before attempting to defeat the zone boss. The adventuring quest is unique because there are two possible outcomes:

    • A monster encounter - a randomly generated monster from a pool of monsters that live within a specific tile

    • A non-combat encounter - an adventure that is not related to combat, but instead allows for chance and text. For Heroes who have not received the lore for the zone they are in. part of a non-combat encounter will also be receiving the lore.

  • Daily Quest: Every day, a Hero can attempt to complete the daily quest tile, which contains a single monster that is stronger than the monsters on the adventuring tile. Once this quest is finished, it cannot be completed again until the following day. The first zone, Wild Prairie, does not contain a Daily Quest tile, but the other four zones do.

  • Boss Quest: The 3rd, 4th, and 5th zones in Dragon's Crossing contain boss tiles. Before proceeding in the adventure, Heroes must defeat the boss of the zone they are questing in to continue to the following zone.

  • Zone Quest: Traveling to and from zones (with the exception of the town Aedos) consumes a quest.

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