Hero Starting Attributes, Items, and Skills

Starting Attributes

Each hero starts with randomly determined attributes for Strength, Agility, Wisdom, Charisma, and Quickness. Additionally, heroes have a base skillpoints score, as well as base starting hitpoints.

With the exception of the primary stat (Strength for Warriors, Agility for Rangers, and Wisdom for Mages), stats can roll anywhere between 4 and 10. For the primary stat, this increase to 10 to 16.

Starting hitpoints for all classes: 75

Starting skillpoints for all classes: 12

Starting Items

Starting items are the same for all classes.

Main Hand: Simple Shortsword (1D6)

Chest: Hand Me Down Leathers (Armor Mitigation Chance: 6%, Armor Mitigation Amount: 2)

Feet: Ill Fitted Sandals (Armor Mitigation Chance: 2%, Armor Mitigation Amount: 2)

Head: Unironically Hideous Cap (Armor Mitigation Chance: 2.5%, Armor Mitigation Amount: 2)

Starting Skills


Overhand Chop (Deals 1D12 damage)

Grapple (Deals 1D6 damage and reduces parry for both Monster and Player by 80% for 2 rounds)


Barbed Projectile (Deals 1D6 damage and deals an additional 1D4 damage per round for 2 rounds)

Herbal Knowledge (Heals 3HP and gives 20% Dodge for 2 rounds)


Firebolt (Deals 1D8 damage, and deals an additional 1D4-1 damage per round for the next 3 rounds)

Ray of Frost (Deals 1D4+1 damge and lowers monster DTH by 30% for 2 rounds)

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