Combat Stats

There are several essential combat-related stats. Some are derivative of Hero Attributes, and some are standalone stats.

Difficulty to Hit: The baseline for how difficult someone is to Hit.

Chance to Hit: The baseline for how skilled someone is at hitting an opponent.

Chance to Critical: Derivative of both item stats, and your Agility score, Chance to Critical is the odds you will do an additional 50% damage

Chance to Parry: Derivative of both item stats, and your Strength score, Chance to Parry is the odds you will reduce damage dealt by 50%

Chance to Dodge: Derivative of both item stats, and your Wisdom score, Chance to Dodge is the odds that, even if the enemy scores a hit initially, you may be able to avoid their attack at the last moment.

Armor Mitigation Chance: Derivative of your item stats, Armor Mitigation Chance is the chance that you will be able to mitigate some damage. The amount of damage mitigated is based on your Armor Mitigation Amount.

Armor Mitigation Amount: Derivate of your item stats, it determines how much damage you are able to mitigate when your Armor Mitigation Chance procs in your favor.

Initiative: Derivative of quickness, initiative determines who goes first during a round of combat.

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