Attacking is the most fundamental action in combat. It is a determination of your strength compared to the monster's strength. The attack process occurs as follows:
Initiative is determined (deciding whether the Hero or the monster attacks first. This is relevant because if the Hero kills the monster during his turn, the monster does not get an attempt to "hurt" the hero back).
Whichever party wins initiative attempts to hit the opposite party. This is done by comparing the attacking party's chance to hit against the opposing party's difficulty to hit, combined with a dice roll.
If the attacker lands a hit dice are rolled to determine:
If the defender parried (which reduces damage by 50%)
If the attack was a critical hit (which increases damage by 50%)
If both parties are still alive after each has had the opportunity to attempt a hit, combat resets with the Hero being able to decide whether he wants to attempt another attack, or take a different action (like using a skill, or fleeing).
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